We will ship all goods within 24 hours unless it is the
weekend and then goods will be shipped Monday or if it is a public holiday, the
first day open after the public holiday.
All goods will be sent by tracked courier. Because we are in
Gisborne we are restricted to NZ Post and Aramex. There are no pickups by them
on weekends or public holidays.
Sometimes they do not pick up on the day specified for pick up, and there is a delay. We will email you if this happens.
We are happy to ship to Australia, USA, Canada, UK and EU.
Please note, if goods are shipped outside of New Zealand all
duties, tariffs or taxes are the responsibility of the buyer to pay.
Free Shipping
To qualify for free shipping within NZ you must spend over $100 NZD

Refunds, returns and exchanges will be handled through email if necessary.