Yompai musings

Plastic free spatulas, why they are important
Micro plastics have become an ever increasing problem in the world. One of the worst items in your kitchen for creating micro plastics are plastic spatulas and fish slices. These put micro plastics directly into your food, while you cook.

Why Wooden Spoons are Making a Comeback
There are things our grandparents knew that we are only just rediscovering. I don't know how many people who come to me at markets, looking for a wooden spoon because their grandparents had one that they used for years and they now want to find one of their own.

No Salt
We have been out of salt where I live for a couple of weeks, no idea why. Finally back in stores Monday this week.
We use salt and spices for all kinds of things, personally I don't eat much but I do use it daily as a mouth wash for my gums on the advice of my dental hygienist.
Our handcrafted salt and spice spoons are a great way to add or serve salts and spices. Completely plastic free!