Black Plastic Spatulas and Utensils
There has been quite a bit written and spoken about black plastic spatulas and the health risks they pose when used.
The problem is not just the plastic that becomes micro plastics but the chemicals that also exist in the black plastic spatulas - as well as in black plastic food trays and other items.
The black plastic spatulas are made from recycled e waste, things like old tvs, monitors and the like. The intention was good, to recycle waste that ends up in landfills.
Unfortunately that plastic contains fire retardant chemicals, again another good idea, it was put in tv's and other products to stop or limit fires in the home.
But once it is in a product that comes in contact with food, and especially that comes is used in heat and cooking, then the potential contamination of food becomes high.
Studies are being done to analyse the risk to humans from black plastic use, like this study.
But it may be time to throw any black plastic spatulas in the bin. If you need to replace them with a chemical free wooden spatula you can search our spatulas here.
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