Teak Bowls and Indian foods
Teak Bowls and Indian Foods
During the last 6 months I have met Mons and her husband Vinash at various different Food shows in the North Island, They are a great couple, friendly and helpful and funny and I love travelling knowing I will catch up with them.
Mons has created a range of spice blends. Not just traditional Indian spices but blends that are natural, healthy and oh they taste great. She has a whole range of different recipes on her website https://www.monsflavors.co.nz/
She has been using some of our bowls and spoons and spatulas while making the different recipes. I wish I could make food that looks as good as hers but it is great to see our bowls, filled with delicious foods and showing that they are naturally waterproof, that you can use them with all kinds of meals, to serve or to eat from
Check out Mons website for amazing recipes
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