Wooden Lemon Squeezers
It is winter here, cold grey days, flu and colds. Fortunately it is also lemon and citrus season, and there are lots of lemons, limes and grapefruit on our trees. Making a hot lemon or lime drink with a little honey in is a delight on these cold days.
I have been using a wooden lemon squeezer to squeeze the citrus. I find it strong and sturdy, it does not break or crack when squeezing the lemons or grapefruit like plastic ones can. Mine is made from Teak and it is very durable and does not stain, and I have had it several years now.
I find the wooden lemon squeezer gets more juice out of each piece of citrus, probably because I can exert more pressure with wood than with plastic. I simply cut the fruit in half - quarters for grapefruit because they are large. Put the cut end down in the hollowed out section and then press down on the handles. The pulp and pips get caught but the juice strains through. Pulp free and pip free. Simple.
I like the fact that I am using something sustainable and biodegradable. One day, many years from now, the lemon squeezer will need to be replaced. But I can simply put it in our garden and allow sun and rain to break it down, and return to the earth, not sit for a thousand years.
After use I simply wash with warm soapy water, then rinse and pat dry, then leave to dry completely before putting away. Periodically I oil it with a food safe oil to help moisturize the wood. I use an old t shirt or cloth to rub a little oil in, just enough to give the wood a surface covering.
As I said, citrus juices and drinks are great this time of the year, my wooden squeezer makes it simple to prepare.
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